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Ideas for Ricoh TotalFlow Prep

Help us make Ricoh TotalFlow Prep better for everyone! By sharing your ideas and voting on others, you are helping our product team determine which features are important to include in the product roadmap.

Once your idea has been submitted, the team will consider it for publication here or may merge it with another similar idea. Check your inbox for email updates.

Please note that all ideas submitted become the property of Ricoh, LTD.


All ideas

Showing 2

Inverting selection in select menu

After selecting all color pages in the select menu and do anything, I want to invert my selection to all b/w pages. At my version 4.3.6 (german) it is only possible to select all color pages
over 4 years ago in  0 Planned

Add "invert selection" to the selection options.

This would be very handy as sometimes it is faster or more convenient to select pages you need to keep, but delete the rest or when you want to select all odd sized pages regardless of size.
almost 5 years ago in  0 Planned