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Ideas for Ricoh TotalFlow Prep

Help us make Ricoh TotalFlow Prep better for everyone! By sharing your ideas and voting on others, you are helping our product team determine which features are important to include in the product roadmap.

Once your idea has been submitted, the team will consider it for publication here or may merge it with another similar idea. Check your inbox for email updates.

Please note that all ideas submitted become the property of Ricoh, LTD.


All ideas

Showing 68 of 68

We need to be able to punch just a range of pages in a job

No description provided
almost 6 years ago in  1 Idea Being Evaluated

Support wide format printers

about 6 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Add booklets to color - b/w split feature

Ricoh Europe (Germany) is requesting this feature be extended to include booklets, which makes sense.
over 5 years ago in  0 Merged into other idea

Snap scanned pages to closest page size

Often scanned pages result in a page size that is just off a normal page size. It would be great if we could cause the pages to snap to the nearest known page size
almost 6 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Add automated Table Of contents option

An old program like Alto Arranger has an option to add automated TOC for Course Packs from the numbering menu with a check mark. Couldn't TF do the same?
almost 3 years ago in  1 Idea Being Evaluated

Image editing: Remove the dirt with pen or eraser type way

Fine processing cannot be performed to remove dirt with a mask tool.We want the function to remove the dirt by pen or eraser type.
about 5 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Make Tab building easier for larger number of tabs

I like the Xerox Freeflow for tab making better
over 3 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Need to search scanned documents

The documents we scan end up in raster format and we cannot search the text. This happens daily. It takes hours to manually OCR the pages in another application and is unreliable.
almost 6 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Build Job - allow selection of tab media & page scaling - legal documents

when using the "build job" option it doesn't allow the selection of the tab media, or to choose the scaling of the documents. when building a new job it would make sense to allow the selection of the tab media and the page scaling. if your documen...
over 3 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Select by page size

When working on a very large document, it is difficult to find odd sized pages within the document for setting exceptions. It would be useful to have a select by page size option with a drop down menu showing page sizes in the document.
almost 5 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated