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Ideas for Ricoh TotalFlow Prep

Help us make Ricoh TotalFlow Prep better for everyone! By sharing your ideas and voting on others, you are helping our product team determine which features are important to include in the product roadmap.

Once your idea has been submitted, the team will consider it for publication here or may merge it with another similar idea. Check your inbox for email updates.

Please note that all ideas submitted become the property of Ricoh, LTD.


All ideas

Showing 68 of 68

Select paper from "Loaded paper" in the [Select Paper] screen * For GW (non-Fiery)printer

In the case of GW (non-Fiery), the paper information of the printer tray cannot be acquired and "Loaded paper" information is not displayed in the [Select Paper] screen. When printing with Prep's "Paper Catalog", the information may not match ...
over 3 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

When opening jobs with various page sizes "Auto Multiple Sizes" should allow us to set max page size, not auto-default to maximum the machine can support (which can be very odd and unusable)

Setting page size automatically isn't helpful when it is set to a paper size that nobody uses, and cannot even be purchased. Allowing the user to set a preference to define this would be preferable.
almost 4 years ago in  2 Will not implement

(Improvement of operability) After performing "Align" (manual) function of "Clean up" panel, this page is not displayed on the sheet view.

When "Align" (manual) of "Clean up" is performed and the "Clean up" panel is closed after the position adjustment is completed, this page is not displayed on the sheet view. Example) If you adjust the position of the 50th page and close the "Cl...
almost 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

It would be nice when creating tabs that contains 2-3 lines the text would flows to the left as opposed to "Right" the edge of the tabs. since .5" is required for printing.

It would require less time when setting up tabs, The benefit would be to all customer using total flow. so the way it would work is while creating your tabs the text would flow down toward the center of the tab as opposed to the edge of the tab wh...
almost 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated


Hi, as EFI Impose works very well with PDF VT, and we are looking to use our VDP software Fusion Pro more, would be good if TF pre could do the same, making both mixed media and mixed impositions easier with the VDP data and outputs.
almost 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Display the paper name in "LOADED PAPER" list

For noneFiery (normal printer) as a printer: In [Select Paper], the paper name (paper catalog) of the printer is not displayed in "LOADED PAPER" list. We hope that these will be displayed. Reason) There are many similar names in the paper na...
about 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Improvement the issue which the paper settings for the page are reset when tray is specified

In the case that they specify the paper in the paper selection menu or the exception settings, if they specify the tray in the exception settings, the paper settings for that page are reset. For example, if A4 paper is specified for the original ...
about 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Individual Page Movement

Hi, we have a lot of jobs, that could benefit if you could alter the individual page Geometry, especially a booklet workflow, moving an individual page due to design, to compensate for line up and folding. We have Edit mode, but it would be good t...
about 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Bannerpage with output to the booklet finisher -PM-Funktion-

No description provided
about 4 years ago in  1 Already exists

Ref: Reader View

Customer ask if the reader view could be shared, maybe a consideration like a gif saved file and the this could be shared for screen / remote approval
about 4 years ago in  0 Will not implement